I believe that personal and professional wellbeing is a birthright. As a Registered Nurse and Board Certified Coach, I am committed to facilitating your growth towards the version of wellbeing that you envision in a curious and non-judgmental way.
Coaches facilitate growth, development and strategies towards achieving goals. When life seems uncertain, stuck, or throws unexpected curves; coaching helps you see beyond your own circumstances by tapping into your innate wisdom to identify a path forward.
Nurses are licensed in the science and art of caring for humans from a state of dis-ease to restoration of wellbeing throughout the healing journey.
Holistic techniques activate the heart, body, and soul beyond the cognitive domain to bring a state of internal balance that opens up capacity for insight and discernment. Examples include: visualization, storytelling, energy medicine, plant medicine, meditation, breathworks, and movement.
Integration assimilates shifts in beliefs, behaviors, and being into new lifestyle practices that are sustainable by helping new commitments become real and attainable.
Recommended commitment to the coaching process is every 1-2 weeks for approximately 3 months to experience results.
Coaching is Not a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other qualified professionals and does not involve medical diagnosis. In addition, it can be helpful and important if you are also in therapy—to consult with your therapist to be sure coaching could be a helpful addition for you at this time.
Areas of Focus | Holistic Living | Wounded Healers Support | Career Transitions | Illness Management | Organization Hacks | Plant Medicine Integration | Travel Lifestyle
Curious Coach
The Client-Coach Relationship
The Client…
chooses the focus of conversation.
is proactive and ready to change.
is open to exploring the topics that you choose, considering possible goals, and taking healthy and positive action.
is your own best expert - being the one who sorts through the information and insights and decides what might be useful for you.
is fully responsible for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being during the coaching sessions.
reserves the right to discontinue the coaching relationship without cause at any time. Adequate notice is appreciated.
The Coach…
listens actively and deeply by contributing observations and questions.
encourages you to explore your issues, perspectives, hopes and dreams.
maintains confidentiality throughout.
with permission, can switch to a consulting role briefly and offer ideas or additional information for you to consider.
reserves the right to discontinue the coaching relationship if the sessions are no longer serving its purpose and/or the coaching agreement is no longer followed. Adequate notice will be provided in advance.
we can explore your unique situation, strengths, challenges, and options from a holistic perspective to put your best self forward.
stay mutually open
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“A testimonial!”
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