What if there was an effortless way to boost your physical, emotional, and spiritual energy bank?
GENKI means a life "full of spirit, vital energy, health and wellness" in Japanese.
Life, body, matter, thoughts, and emotions are infinitely connected matrices of energy fields. We all draw from this bank of energy to live our fullest life. For example, physical energy is needed to simply keep moving, emotional energy for compassion, social energy to cultivate meaningful relationships, and spiritual energy maintains our sense of purpose. However, daily stressors create imbalances in the energy fields that get stuck, sluggish, and depleted. When this happens, how do you make an energy deposit back into your bank?
REIKI means “universal life energy”, a Japanese healing technique that uses gentle touch (or no touch) to promote overall relaxation and restoration of energy throughout the whole self. Touch therapy also stimulates the release of oxytocin and other feel-good hormones such as dopamine and serotonin, while reducing stress hormones such as cortisol and norepinephrine.
Because the universal energy of Reiki infinitely surrounds us and is not constrained by time and space, treatments can be offered virtually.
Ask about combining your Reiki experience with a coaching session to potentiate exploration and results.
Akiko Kubo is a certified Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master and Animal Reiki I and II through the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT).
Genki Reiki
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