Transformation in Words
Apathy to Vitality
Excitability to Equanimity
Resentment to Contentment
Triggers to Glimmers
Resistance to Acceptance
Constricted to Expanded
Ventral to Vagal
Toxic to Tonic
Dissonant to Coherent
Swirl to Still
Acidic to Alkaline
Reactive to Responsive
Chaos to Calm
Despair to Repair
Self-criticize to self-celebrate
Acrimony to Harmony
Extrinsic to Intrinsic
Cloudy to Clarity
Holding On to Letting Go
Helpless to Empowered
Restless to Relaxed
Heavy to Light
Limited to Infinite
Labeled to Unlabeled
Conscious to Subconscious
Synthetic to Authentic
Wounded to Healed
Suppress to Release
Effortful to Effortless
Crisis to Chrysalis
Envy to Charity
Compare to Contrast
Impulsive to Intentional
Faulting to Forgiving
Doing to Being
What Happened “To Me” to What Happened “For Me”
Anger to Peace
Fear to Courage
Despair to Repair